
Kuwait Sets New Marriage Age Limit at 18

Kuwait Raises Legal Marriage Age to 18 In a significant move to enhance family stability and protect children's rights, Kuwait has amended its personal status…

Amreen Hussain Amreen Hussain 4 Min Read

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In This Issues

Embracing Ramadan Traditions in Al-Wadi and Al-Jabal

Ramadan is a sacred time for millions of Muslims around the world, and in Al-Wadi and Al-Jabal, this holy month…

Saudi-Chinese Cultural Year: A New Era of Cultural Exchange

Strengthening Ties Through Culture Saudi Arabia and China have officially launched the Saudi-Chinese Cultural Year, marking a significant step in…

Muslim Unity at Makkah Conference: Scholars Call for Solidarity

The Makkah Conference, an esteemed gathering of Islamic scholars, recently concluded with a powerful message: the urgent need for unity…

Saudi Students Qualify for Prestigious Science Fair in US

Saudi students science fair participation is growing significantly, with talented young minds from the Kingdom making their mark on the…

December 2023

Enterprise Magazine


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